Chapter 2
2 "Crack like to blunt" notch S/N curve model
In this Chapter the infinite life design philosophy of notched specimens is analyzed, then the same concepts are specialized to finite life design concepts in the context of the “Theory of the Critical Distances” to analyze the transition from “crack-like to blunt” notch. It is shown that a notched specimen behaves very similarly to a crack up to a certain number of fatigue cycles, then its fatigue behavior can be approximated with a plain specimen reduced by the effective stress concentration factor. Accordingly, some fast assessment methods have been suggested: (i) a crack like notch could be replaced by a crack for which there is a wide amount of solutions in Literature and (ii) a blunt notch could be treated through infinite life design concepts only. To verify the analytical method, the SAE Keyhole test program constant amplitude fatigue test data have been used and predictions are in good agreement with experiments, also compared with other methods as strain-life approaches through Neuber’s rule.2.1 Infinite life design
The effect of notches in infinite life fatigue design can be simply estimated through the concept of crack like notch introduced by Smith and Miller [1] which allows to obtain characteristic diagrams [2]–[5] under the assumption that the governing factor for infinite life modeling is the threshold stress intensity factor range ΔKth, value below which a so-called long crack should not propagate consistently with Paris’ law [6]. Indeed, infinite life fatigue design is governed by the threshold stress intensity factor range for long cracks, and by the fatigue limit stress range ΔSe for short cracks [7]; hence in order to identify the order of magnitude of the critical length of transition from short to long crack, El-Haddad’s intrinsic defect size a0 can be introduceda0 = 1 / π · (ΔKth / ΔSe)2 | 2.1 |
The equation is given for a prescribed load ratio R=Smin/Smax. Such transition has been studied in principle experimentally in 1976 by Kitagawa and Takahashi [8] which plotted stress range vs. crack size (ΔS-a) diagrams confirming the validity of the relation connecting the stress intensity factor range ΔK and the stress range ΔS
ΔK = f · ΔSth · √(π a) | 2.2 |
Where f is a geometric factor. Then, in 1977 Smith evidenced that Equation (2.2) is valid only beyond a specific value of crack size and later, in 1980, this limit was overcome by El Haddad et al. [9] who proposed the empirical formula
ΔSe = ΔKth / √[π · (a + a0] | 2.3 |
In which the intrinsic defect size has been simply added to Equation (2.2) and the geometric factor f has been set to 1 for simplicity. The idea behind Equation (2.3) is one aspect of the “Theory of the Critical Distances” whose ancestor, as summarized by Taylor [10], and Yao et al. [11], can be identified in the effective stress concentration factor Kf proposed by Neuber [12], Kuhn and Hardrath [13] who in the early ‘50s assumed that the notched specimen fails if the averaged stress over the distance AKH ahead of the notch root is equal to the fatigue limit Se of the plain specimen. From this hypothesis, Kf was calculated as
Kf = 1 + (Kt - 1) / [1 + π/(π - ω) · √(AKH / ρ)] | 2.4 |
Where Kt is the theoretical stress concentration factor (e.g. 3 for a circular hole in an infinite plate), ω is the notch flank angle, ρ is the notch root radius and the distance AKH depends on the material under exam. Later the equation has been modified as
Kf = 1 + (Kt - 1) / (1 + aN / ρ) | 2.5 |
aN is known as Neuber’s material constant.
Few years later Peterson [14] derived an equation based on the hypotheses that (i) the notched material fails if the point stress at a distance d0 away from the notch root is at least equal to the fatigue strength of the plain specimen and (ii) the stress ahead of the notch root drops linearly up to d0 obtaining
Kf = 1 + (Kt - 1) / (1 + aP / ρ) | 2.6 |
Where aP is Peterson’s material constant. Notwithstanding, as also confirmed by Topper et al. [15], as ρ increases the fatigue limit is actually fully controlled by the theoretical stress concentration factor, thus Kf→Kt since aP/ρ→0 and the notch is addressed as blunt notch. From a mathematical point of view, a notch can be effectively be addressed as blunt when its characteristic size a* is [2]–[5]
a* ≥ Kt2 · a0 | 2.7 |
Hence, for instance for a hole in an infinite plate (Kt=3) this occurs when the circle radius is almost one order of magnitude larger than El Haddad’s intrinsic defect size. For aluminum alloys and steels, typically a0 is of the order of 10 μm and 100 μm respectively implying a* of the order of 0.1 mm and 1 mm respectively which are typical orders of magnitude of drilled holes for riveting. Therefore, Atzori and Lazzarin suggested the following infinite life design criterion for notched components
Kf = min[√(1 + a / a0), Kt ] | 2.8 |
Combining Equation (2.7) with Equation (2.8) implies that below a* notches behave like cracks, and above a* they behave as blunt notches. In 2004, with the purpose of collecting and comparing exhaustively the existing notch sensitivity estimation models for infinite life design, Ciavarella and Meneghetti [16] reviewed a series of classical and modern approaches to the stress concentration factor estimate and concluded that Neuber’s method [12] is the most conservative and accurate amongst the “classical” approaches whilst the Atzori-Lazzarin criterion is the most conservative yet easy-to-use between the “modern” ones. Moreover, they proposed the following modification to the Atzori-Lazzarin criterion of Equation (2.8) in order to make it consistent with Lukáš and Klesnil [17] discussion which can be interpreted as a modification of Neuber’s rule including the effect of cyclic plasticity.
Kf = min{[1 + (a / a0)r]0.5/r, Kt } 0 < r ≤ 1 | 2.9 |
Equation (2.9) for r=1 obviously returns the Atzori-Lazzarin criterion, while for r=0.5 gives Lukáš-Klesnil criterion. Bazant [18] has shown in detail that the expression (1+(a/a0)r)1/2r corresponds to an asymptotic matching with truncation at the first order between the large-size (a ≫ a0) and the short-size (a ≪ a0) expansions of the crack propagation criterion in terms of stress intensity factor and concluded that the El-Haddad equation can be seen as a “matching asymptotics” solution for the transition between fatigue limit towards fatigue threshold dominated threshold. Nevertheless, Ciavarella and Meneghetti in their review did not discuss the implications of applying the “Theory of the Critical Distances”[10], [19]–[22] (TCD) in its point variant (TCD-P); this shall be done here since the transition from infinite to finite life design here proposed is based on the TCD-P. Anyway, since it has already been demonstrated that Neuber’s (2.5) and Peterson’s (2.6) equations are prototypical critical distance approaches, a similar result with respect to Ciavarella and Meneghetti’s is expected. Indeed, the basic hypothesis of the TCD-P is that the material fails when the stress at a distance a0/2 from the notch root/crack tip reaches the fatigue strength of the plain material. For instance, considering the Kirsch solution [23] for an infinite plate with a circular hole under uniform remote tension Snom and imposing that the stress SY parallel to Snom at distance r=a+a0/2 from the center of the hole is equal to the alternate fatigue limit Se leads to
Kf = SY (a + a0 / 2)) / Snom = Se / Snom = 0.5 ⋅ {2 + [a / (a + a0 / 2)]2 + 3 ⋅ [a / (a + a0 / 2)]4} | 2.10 |
Returning the well-known Kt = 3 for a ≫ a0. Similarly, considering Westergaard [24] solution for a crack immersed into an infinite plate and loaded perpendicularly to the crack flanks it results, at a distance a0/2 from the crack tip
Kf = SY (a0 / 2) / Snom = Se / Snom = [1 + (a0 / 2) / a] / [√(a0 / 2 / a) ⋅ √(2 + a0 / 2 / a) ] | 2.11 |
Which goes to infinite for a ≫ a0. In Figure 2.1 on the left it is shown the normalized stress component SY/Snom ahead of the crack tip/notch root for the Kirsch and Westergaard problems, while on the right there is a comparison between stress concentration factors according to different criteria. Atzori-Lazzarin criterion is extremely close to the TCD-P applied to Westergaard problem for a<a* and then it becomes constant for a ≥ a* and at the same time it is comparable with the TCD-P applied to the Kirsch solution within the entire domain. However, there is a region where the TCD-P applied to Kirsch solution is more conservative than both Westergaard solution and the Atzori-Lazzarin criterion. This may sound counterintuitive, but comparing the stress gradient ahead of a hole (low) with the stress gradient ahead of a crack (high) provides a simple explanation; indeed, even if the stress immediately ahead of a hole is lower than the stress ahead of a crack, then at a certain distance the situation has to reverse to respect the global equilibrium, as evident from Figure 2.1 (Left).
2.2 Infinite life design
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2.13 |
2.14 |
2.15 |
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2.18 |
2.****** |
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